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Safeguarding Statement

The purpose of this policy statement is:

  • to protect vulnerable people who receive Nurseline Healthcare’s services.
  • to provide staff and applying candidates with the overarching principles that guide our approach to protection of vulnerable adults and children.

This policy statement applies to anyone working on behalf of Nurseline Healthcare, including senior managers, paid staff, temporary workers, limited company contractors and volunteers.

At Nurseline Healthcare, we take our Duty of Candour accountability in safeguarding very seriously and recognise that:

  • The welfare of the vulnerable families in our care is paramount in all the work we do.
  • It’s the foundation of all the decisions we make.
  • Working in partnership with our Supported Persons, their parents, carers, and other Professional Agencies is essential in keeping everyone safe.

We recognise that: 

  • The welfare of the people we support is paramount
  • All people, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • Some people are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues

We commit in alignment to CQC Regulations and our FIT values to keep adults and young people safe by: 

  • Valuing, listening, and respecting them.
  • Access to Designated Safeguarding lead, supported by a team of safeguarding champions across the business.
  • Adopting child protection and safeguarding best practices through our whistleblowing, safeguarding, and complaint policies & procedures.
  • Providing effective induction and management for our staff team and volunteers through supervision, support, and training to recognise, report and respond to any safeguarding concerns confidently and competently.
  • Implement and follow quality assurance measures such as the safe recruitment of fit and proper staff who are suitable to work with vulnerable people in society.
  • Recruiting internal staff, temporary workers and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made (these checks are also made when considering working with limited company contractors)
  • Provide effective management through support, training and quality assurance measures
  • Implementing a code of conduct
  • Using our procedures to manage any allegations against staff and volunteers appropriately
  • Ensuring that we have effective complaints and whistleblowing measures in place
  • Recording and storing information professionally and securely.

When applying to work with Nurseline Healthcare it is essential that you understand and abide by this policy statement. When applying for a role working with vulnerable people we will need to contact your current and previous employers as part of our reference process. We also require an enhanced DBS with a check of the barred lists.

During the selection process we follow Safer Recruitment practices. We assess candidates suitability to work with vulnerable people and that they are able to meet the necessary compliance criteria. If the applicant is shortlisted, we will assess any anomalies in the information provided or issues arising from references. We will require full employment history in chronological order with start and end dates and reason for leaving. Any gaps in employment must also be explained.

If after short listing we find that you have omitted any relevant information or have provided any false information, this is an offence and could result in your application being rejected or summary dismissal if you are already in post.

In the interview, you can expect questions regarding your motivation, attitude and safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.

Safeguarding Appointed Person in case you have a safeguarding concern:

Jenny Abrahams | Safeguarding and Risk Management Lead |

Safeguarding email: safeguarding@catalystgrp.co.uk 

Email: jenny@catalystgrp.co.uk 

Office: 0345 894 2264; Mobile: 07388949071

Nurseline Healthcare Head Office | 2510| The Quadrant | Aztec West | Bristol | BS32 4AQ 

Safeguarding Appointed Person in case you have a safeguarding concern:

Jenny Abrahams | Safeguarding and Risk Management Lead |

Safeguarding email: 




Office: 0345 894 2264; Mobile: 07388949071

Nurseline Healthcare Head Office | 2510| The Quadrant | Aztec West | Bristol | BS32 4AQ 

Raising a Safeguarding concern

Whistleblowing – Report potential wrongdoing

Whistleblowing is when a worker, person who we support, family member, or member of the public reports suspected wrongdoing in relation to the people we support.

Officially this is called ‘making a disclosure in the public interest’. If you have any concerns around the care a person who we support is receiving you can phone our whistleblowing hotline anonymously on 07384 467760


If you have a serious concern over wrongdoing at work:
Report it to your line manager or HR, or speak to a senior manager, or contact Safecall:

0800 915 1571

Or report online at:


*All calls are treated confidentially by Safecall and you may remain anonymous if you wish.

Working Time



0345 894 2264 




2510 Aztec WestBristol BS32 4AQ